Honesty America PAC announces effort to shine light on shady politicians, aiming first spotlight on Byron Donalds.


Southwest Florida (CD-19) – In order to separate political fact from fiction, Honesty America will shine light on shady and dishonest candidates to help voters in Southwest Florida see through the endless deceiving ads now flooding mailboxes and televisions.

The first candidate spotlight burns brightly on Byron Donalds, who deceitfully claims to be a proud supporter of President Donald Trump. His own words say otherwise.

Honesty America believes voters deserve the truth, and they plan to bring it.

Byron Donalds is a NeverTrumper whose campaign is almost entirely funded by a rabid Trump-hating group in Washington, called the Club for Growth Political Action Committee. They are spending more than a million dollars to buy the congressional seat in a district that Byron does not even live in. That’s right. Byron is a NeverTrumper and doesn’t even live in the congressional district he’s running to represent.

Here are a few of Byron‘s statements directly from his own Facebook page, where he has repeatedly attacked Donald Trump:

“Trump is a huge distraction, and cares more about himself than the country”

“I could care less about him.”

“Trump is a self-promoter yelling about 25% tariffs on China”

The group of Washington elitists throwing money at Byron Donalds is the very same corrupt Club for Growth Political Action Committee that spent millions of dollars to bring down President Trump.

Now, in Southwest Florida, where Byron lacks support and funding, he’s doing what any shady politician would do — calling on his NeverTrumper allies in Washington to bankroll a dishonest campaign, fool voters, and buy the seat for him.

Honesty America begins its spotlight campaign on Byron Donalds today, delivering the truth with a digital ad buy focused on Facebook, the very same forum Byron attacks Donald Trump. Television and district-wide mail will promptly follow to ensure Republican primary voters know about Byron Donalds’ shady criminal past and his NeverTrump campaign for congress.

